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SBG Founder Leader, Cheif Mentor
  • Global business strategist
  • Ayurvedic Wellness Entrepreneur
  • Success coach
  • Mind Alchemist
  • Vinod Kumar Narayan as a leading successs coach has got a wast global experience in direct selling and corporate traning for the past 20 years.Born in Ettumanoor, Kottayam in a middle class family, Vinod Kumar was a dreamer and hardworker from a very young age. During his studies, he ventured his first start up in pharmaceutical distribution with his family at the age of 21. He also worked with many multinational giants like Johnson & Johnson, Novo Nordisc, Amway and allliance insurance and proved his mettle
  • While working in Dubai,he was always waiting for the right comapany to explore the direct selling potential globally thats the time the he met Mr. Mubeen Muhammad,a direct selling giant who was a diamond executive of Milifestyle Marketing Global Pvt.Ltd. Thus the seed of SBG laid there.
  • Founding Success Berry Global with his brother, Vinod Kumar adopted a fastrack journey in Milifestyle creating huge number of success stories in India and Bbroad
  • Working on the mission, he explored the SBG system power supporting many common people to adopt direct selling as the best option to create financial independence
  • With his strong vision to create healthy and Happy Generation, he introduced Ayuss Icon and completely transformed entrepereneurs
  • Through his transformational training programs like Mpower, rich mindset workshop, Riseup, Ayuss Wellness wave, Immunity insight, etc; he has been inspiring thousands of people to lead a Healthy Happy Longlife full of Success

Accomplishments And Milestones

1. Masters in Management Degree from Mahatma Gandhi University,Kerala India

2. Founded Vysakh medicines at the age of 21 with the help of his family

3. Junior manager in Johnson & Johnson and was awarded as No.1 manager in national level

4. Executive manager heading North Kerala for Novo Nordisc,the largest Insulin manufactures of the world

5. Diamond direct at Amway Indian enterprises(Regular qualification)

6. General manager in global marketing based at dubai for Chemmanur international

7. Regional business development manager in Alliance Insurance

8. International Team Cordinator in Milifestyle marketing global with second ID National Team Cordinator

9. Founder and Chief Mentor Success Berry Global

10. Founder and Chief Mentor Ayuss Wellness Corporation